Stud History

Kooringal Homestead


In 1910, John and Christina Lamont, with the first of their three children and all of their goods and chattels, moved up to Wagga Wagga from the Wimmera in Victoria. They were to take ownership of a bare block of almost 3000 acres of land 22 kms north of Wagga Wagga. This was the north-west corner of Eunonyhareenyha Station, which had been cut off from the rest of the station by the Melbourne to Sydney railway line.

John and Christina called their first block ‘Kooringal’, aboriginal for ‘home on the hill’, and proceeded to build a house, stables, woolshed and workshop. Many of these buildings still stand today and continue to be used for their initial purposes.

The house was built of solid brick, in federation style with high ceilings, and has had only relatively minor refurbishments over the years to make it the comfortable modern home it is today.

The sheds were built of cypress pine cut down from the farm and clad in corrugated iron. The stables were built to house the workhorses – teams of Clydesdales to pull the ploughs, seeders, reapers, and binders. Today they house the thoroughbred stallions that form the backbone of Kooringal Stud.

In 1917, just seven years after coming to Kooringal, John Lamont died in a horse accident on the farm. This left his widow Christina with three young children to run the farm, which she did for the next 30 years.

In 1937 the eldest son Murdoch married and part of Kooringal was split off for him to call his own. He named it "Kooringal West".

The Second World War next intervened and the younger son Colin joined up and was away until 1945. He returned with a young bride he met while stationed in Perth during the war.

Horses and horse racing had always been in the Lamont blood and so it is not surprising that in 1953 Colin purchased three broodmares that were to form the basis for Kooringal Stud.

In 1956 he brought his first stallion Kerry Piper (GB). Kerry Piper had already been at stud for some years and had been relatively successful. In 1960 Kerry Piper was joined by Epsom Cup winner Timor and Kooringal Stud was transformed from a hobby breeder to a commercial enterprise forming an integral part of the farming business that it is today. Other notable stallions to stand at Kooringal Stud include Major General, Bless Me, Majaahed (USA), Mr Henrysee (USA) and Bureaucracy (NZ).

Colin and Joan's eldest son David and youngest son Stuart and their families farmed Kooringal and neighbouring property Glenmoira in partnership for many years and turned it from a predominately sheep and cropping enterprise, with a few horses, to a property often housing over 400 thoroughbreds, with sheep and cropping still undertaken to assist with pasture management and feed supply, whilst allowing paddocks to be rested and brought into the system at their full potential.

Stuart and his Penny were instrumental in shaping Kooringal into the fabulous property, homestead and gardens it is today. 

With Stuart's planning and foresight allowing for ease of management on the sprawling enterprise, now with 6 main sets of yards, laneway systems throughout the property with over 60 double fenced, tree lined paddocks, improved pastures, safe fencing and water points. 

Their children Angus, James, Richard and Georgina have all played a role in shaping Kooringal today in varying positions with the business now a partnership between Angus and Richard. 

The property continues to expand with Richie in charge of the Sheep, farming and pasture renovation arm of the business and Angus running the horse operation, ably assisted by his wife Jenna, their 3 children and a fantastic team of dedicated staff that are working towards Kooringal being a key player in the breeding and racing industry.